Tuesday, November 18, 2008

4th Thing

Today I entered the world of You Tube. Now I know what all the fuss is about. I recently took up the hobby of beading so I viewed several introductory beading videos. Very cool--it was like having my own private beading session. I can see how this site will be helpful for learning so many things.

I think You Tube could be useful for publicizing the Pamunkey libraries and their services and events. Each branch could make a video tour of their site highlighting the building and the resources and various services. Special speakers/events could be taped and shared. The possibilities are endless!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

3rd Thing: The 71/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners

As a child, one of the household rules enforced by my parents was that work ALWAYS comes before play. On the one hand, this was a good rule because it cultivated discipline and responsibility. On the other hand, it stifled spontaneity.

As an adult, I often find that there is little time left over for play once I have done all of my grown-up work. So I suppose the habit that most challenges me is #8: Play. It is often hard for me to put my work aside and have fun just hanging out with my family and friends. And yet I know that I need to make time for the people who are important to me. Afterall, it is the time we spend with others that makes life truly worth living.

I have always had a strong internal sense of direction so the first habit, beginning with the end in mind, comes pretty easily to me. Whether creating an original story for an elementary musical, designing a church music program, buying and setting up house or pursuing a new job, I have often been able to envision the end result and take the steps to make it a reality. I believe that anything is possible with enough vision and persistence!