Tuesday, December 30, 2008

10th Thing: Generators

This was fun!!! In 1982 I cross stitched this saying for my mom. Funny how in this ever changing world some things still remain true!

9th Thing:Feeds Are Not Just for Dinner Anymore!

While searching Bloglines for library-related feeds, I came across the Library Link for the Day, a daily link for library professionals. There I learned that the libraries in Washington, D.C. are about to institute a rule that sleeping will be banned from the library. This ruling will affect the many homeless people who use the libraries as tempory shelter. I think this will be an interesting feed to check when first come into work.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

8th Thing: Books, Books and More Books

I thought that LibraryThing was an interesting site but not one that I could see myself using. I'm not one for chatting online with people I do not know. I would much more prefer to join a book group and talk about a particular book face to face with others. As for keeping track of books I read, a good old-fashioned pencil and a notebook work just fine for me!

I did like the ability to see the book covers and I saw some beading books I did not know about and might be interested in checking out from the library or purchasing in the future.

7th thing: RSS

I enjoyed learning about RSS and thought it could possibly be useful to those who select books for the Pamunkey library system. By subscribing to feeds from sites that provide critical book reviews, the selectors could peruse reviews quickly and use the information to decide whether or not to purchase a particular book.

Personally, I think that the feeds could help me stay up on current events. Unlike my husband, I do not read the newspaper on a daily basis so having feeds from the Times-Dispatch and CNN could help me be more aware of what's going on in the world.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

6th Thing

WOW! I found a great beading site on MySpace. I typed in "making jewelry necklaces" and found K C Bead Designs. As a beginning beader, I am always on the lookout for new patterns for bead necklaces, bracelets and other projects. This site was loaded with really neat designs that could be enlarged so that the beads and patterns were clearly visible. I'm sure I'll be visiting this site on many occasions in the future.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

5th Thing

I love birds--especially bluebirds. The above link shows a darling Western Bluebird perched on a fence post. From my front porch, I often see bluebirds in my front yard perched on the telephone wire. They bring me such joy!