Tuesday, January 20, 2009

12th Thing-Tag, You're It!

I enjoyed going on Del.icio.us and exploring the PRL account. I was impressed by the variety of the bookmarks and especially enjoyed Internet Public Library, the first internet-based library. It is full of useful information and warrents exploration by library staff.

11th Thing: Rolling Along with Rollyo

Rollyo is a fun site. What a great way to view lots of websites about a favorite subject!

By now you have probably guessed that I am bead-obsessed! So I searched "beads" and discovered a myriad of cool bead sites that could keep me busy for days on end, if only I had the time to explore them all. You may view my rollyo at http://rollyo.com/editroll.html?sid=500894.

I also typed in "library" and found a listing of several homepages of libraries around the country. It might be helpful to visit these sites and see what kind of events and services various libraries are offering. We might just get some good ideas for things to offer at our own branches.