Tuesday, February 17, 2009

15th Thing: Second Life

Wow--where do I begin? Words fail me. I am trying to keep an open mind about the exciting world of technology but Second Life definitely stretched me far beyond my comfort level. In a word, it makes me sad. Sad that for some people, real life is so pointless and meaningless that they must turn to a computer to create a virtual life rather than finding ways to enrich the life they live in the real world. I watched a virtual life where an incredibly obese man created a second life to hook up with the girl of his dreams. He sings a song about how he really should go out in the real world and meet some friends and maybe go to a show. However, the song ends with his lamenting that when the sun comes up, he will "right back here again." (at his computer) What a waste of a life. How very, very sad.

I can see that there could be some benefit in the business and academic world. As far as for the library, the whole concept is so foreign to me that I cannot conceive of a use for our patrons at present.

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