Tuesday, February 24, 2009

20th Thing: The Final Thing

Today is a red letter library day for me! Earlier this afternoon I completed my six month evaluation and my probation period came to an end. And tonight, I am finishing my 20 Things! Woo-hoo!

I feel very satisfied to be at the end of my 20 Things. I must admit, at times it was quite daunting--learning to set up my blog, pasting RSSs, importing pictures with flicker, tagging, and entering the wierd world of second life--all of these were new and sometimes challenging to me. And yet, as I look back over my posts on my blog, I realize that I have really learned a lot about the expanding world of technology.

I enjoyed using Rollyo to find a number of websites pertaining to a single topic. I feel certain that I will visit this site again in the future. The 14th Thing: Web 2.0, was my favorite. It was interesting reading about ways that the library will most likely evolve in the future utilizing greater patron input and technology. I also enjoyed reading about the habits of an effective librarian. The ideas made good sense to me. I plan to be around long enough to get more at ease with the technology so I can be of greater help to the patrons. That is one of the great things about working in the library- one has ample opportunities for stretching the brain and learning new things. And isn't that where the 20 things began--with learning the habits of a lifelong learner? I guess I've come full circle

Recently while watching an episode of 30 Rock, I heard a character mention Wikipedia and I exclaimed, "Hey, I know what that is!" I guess you really can teach an old dog new tricks after all!

1 comment:

DJ Crash said...

Congratulations on two momentous occassions in your Pamunkey career!!!
You blog is so well written - I'm sorry to see your musing end!