Tuesday, February 24, 2009

19th Thing: Have a Whale of a Time with Podcasts

For this activity, I visited U Tube and entered "library videos." I saw a wonderful video entitled "Welcome Home" presented by the staff and patrons of the Providence Public Library. In it, the library is referred to as a meeting ground for the community where informative programs, activities and resources are available to all. There is a strong emphasis on bilingual services at the Providence Library. I also viewed a funny and entertaining welcoming video for Harper College. Iit was very college-friendly.

I think it would be great if the Pamunkey Library could create a welcome video for the patrons Although it would probably be too costly for each branch to create its own video, an overview video could provide general information on all the branches as well as highlight weekly programs that occur at the branches and special activities that occur periodically at the individual branches. A link could be established on the library home page. I think it would be a fun project!

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